I intend to use this blog as a running journal of items and concepts that peak my interest, I'll be putting up the work of others I admire and occasionally some of my own, along with things I just like for no other reason. There is unlikely to be too much unique content on here, as I gather the majority of my new information from my ever growing collection of bookmarks, as such it will basically all be plagiarised (yet referenced). There will be no particular running theme or format, just a hap-hazard collection of things I find interesting.
As this is basically for my own entertainment I might as well start by posting some of the things I find interesting.
-A sly combination of interests:
Bikes, furniture design, hoarding parts inside...
By Custompop,
great site too.
- Unique choice of engine for a unique bike.
Jason Tiedeken's Lockheed Lounge uses a turbo CB360 in a scratch built tubular frame. Looks like it's using some cafe racer proportions combined with intricate fabrication to great effect. It reminds me of some of
Roger Goldammer's work and I'm keenly anticipating the finished bike.
Hell for leather- Likely to become a habit of mine when I become a grumpy old coot:
Proof reading the world around us (yet not my own work)
Found on
FFFound, a site I love but avoid, it's too addictive!
The rubber fingered dash for Renault by
Bigio+Zanon, cleaning it would be interesting though.
MoCo Loco