Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Places Visited: Oregon


I just crossed the border in to Washington state and my first impression upon pulling in for a coffee is that they have that god-damned-stupid sales tax here. It's so stupid! Coffee for $2.50? Sure, that'll be $2.71. Come on people, it's not too hard to include the tax in the price.
Anyway, that rant is out of the way for the moment. There was no such foolishness down in Oregon, I had such a great time down there where I spend most of my time in Portland. I love that city! I'm open to propositions of marriage that would allow me to move there....
Many thinks must go to my most gracious and generous host, Jill. She took in a stranger on the weekend of the 4th when she already had a visitor staying and showed me such a great time. Thanks Jill, you're a doll.


As always the photos are over in flicker


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