Can anyone help me fill in the gaps here? Top to bottom, left to right:
Back to the Future (Delorian), Ghost Busters (Cadillac), Dukes of Hazzard (Charger)
Transformers (Optimus Prime), National Lampoons (Wagoneer), Speed Racer (Mach 5)
Herby (Bug), Starsky and Hutch (Torino), Blues Brothers (Dodge)
Toy Story (Thanks Punk, Chris), Wayne's World (Pacer), Pee Wee's Bike (thanks n8diggy214)
Top Gun?, Maximum Overdrive (thanks Jeff), Death Race 2000 (Corvette, thanks Anon)
Thomas The Tank Engine, Monkees (GTO), Batman
KITT (Trans AM, thanks Bortwein), Grease (Ford), Titanic.
Some of those are questionable at best.
Threadless via Graphic Everywhere
Edit: I'm adding them as we go.
Back to the Future (Delorian), Ghost Busters (Cadillac), Dukes of Hazzard (Charger)
Transformers (Optimus Prime), National Lampoons (Wagoneer), Speed Racer (Mach 5)
Herby (Bug), Starsky and Hutch (Torino), Blues Brothers (Dodge)
________, Wayne's World (Pacer), PEE WEE's BIKE?
Top Gun?, Maximum Overdrive (thanks Jeff), ________
Thomas The Tank Engine, Monkees (GTO), Batman
Bullitt (Mustang), Grease (Ford), Titanic.
The yellow one is the Pizza Planet van (toy story)...
the pizza delivery van from Toy Story?
get me!
Thanks guys! Just a few gaps/corrections to go now.
(Punk and Chris both got the Toy Story one independantly)
i think the green lizard looking on is 'death race'
Yep Death Race 2000 it is. Thanks!
as an aside; that is my first anonymous comment.
The one you have labeled: Bullitt (Mustang) is actually KITT from Knight Rider. Glad you like the shirt.
Ah ok, I'd forgotten that KITT had the silver rims, hence the reason I assumed the Torque Thrusts from Bullitt. Thanks for that, great shirt!
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