Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Concepts at Prototyp

Best concept name ever: 'all our dreams are made of chrome' 100 cc vehicle record, angerer 2008

The stunning cycle above is part of and upcoming exhibition called 'Proben' (which translates 'sample' or 'concept'). There are 19 full scale, mostly functioning prototypes built between 1981 and 2009 by students at hochschule für bildende künste hamburg.

If anyone is around Hamburg, Germany around the end of February, start of March, be sure to get to Prototyp Museum to see 'Proben'. While you're there the other exhibitions at Prototyp would be worth a gander too, in fact the whole space looks quite interesting going by their site: Prototyp-Hamburg

'hydro' mountain bike with hydraulic power transmission by angerer, holtkamp, wallusch, 2004

'hydrofoil' motorized hydrofoil by angerer, 2005

via Designboom


mark kelley said...

at first bike is so great

Dan said...

Isn't it just! I'm not generally a fan of motorised bicycles but that one is spot on! Probably because it blurs the line sufficiently between bike and motorbike